How to treat dry eyes, an essential modern condition


My eyes are watering, I can't seem to see at night, and in the morning my eyes are so dry and stiff that I can't open them without artificial tears.

What is dry eye syndrome?

A lack of tears, or excessive evaporation of tears, is an imbalance in the composition of tears that damages the surface of the eye and leads to irritation, such as stinging, foreign body sensation, and dryness.

The most basic cause of dry eye is aging, but it can also be caused by conditions such as eye inflammation and chronic conjunctivitis. In recent years, prolonged use of monitors and smartphones has been shown to accelerate dry eye symptoms in younger people, and there are also environmental factors such as strong sunlight, wind, and fine dust.

Many people report that their eyes have become much drier since the pandemic, and while we don't know if this is directly caused by the pandemic, it may be due to changes in lifestyle.

Top Dry Eye Causes

Lack of tears and poor tear quality

Tears play an important role in protecting and nourishing the eyes. A lack of tears can dry out the surface of the eye and cause eye discomfort. Tears are made up of several components, and when these components are out of balance, they can damage the surface of the eye and cause irritation such as watery eyes, foreign body sensation, and dryness.

Wearing a mask

During the pandemic, we've been wearing masks like they've been part of our bodies for years, and while they help prevent infection, they can cause dry eyes. If you wear glasses, you may have experienced that breathing through a mask in the winter can cause your glasses to fog up and blur your vision. Similarly, breathing through a mask can cause breath (wind) to come directly into your eyes, blowing away your tear film and causing dry eyes.

Dry room, use of air conditioner/heater

You're spending a lot more time indoors. Using air conditioners or fans for long periods of time, using heaters at high temperatures, and staying in dry, enclosed spaces like offices and homes without ventilation are major contributors to dry eye.

Prolonged use of digital devices/failure to blink

The fact that so much of our lives are virtual may also contribute to dry eyes. As we know, during the pandemic, many aspects of our daily lives have become remote and in-person. We've gotten into the habit of using digital devices for extended periods of time, and we've changed the way we work with smartphone apps and document collaboration tools. Some of you may even be reading this article because you care about dry eye, and you're reading it on a monitor while enduring dryness.

Long-term/prolonged contact lens wear

Contact lens use is a common cause of dry eye, as contact lenses absorb water from the eye, and studies have shown that frequent contact lens contact can cause the meibomian glands responsible for the oil layer on the eyelids to gradually disappear.

Dry eye syndrome, how can I improve it?

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects about 20% of the world's population, and while it is often chronic, it is not considered a serious condition. Many people experience some relief from the symptoms of dry eye syndrome through lifestyle changes. With a little research, there are many things you can do in your daily life to improve your eye health.

Habits that can improve dry eye symptoms

  • Use warm compresses to open up clogged oil glands
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses for long, extended periods of time
  • Use a humidifier to keep your indoor environment from getting too dry
  • Give your eyes a 10-minute break after 4 to 50 minutes of computer work
  • Avoiding harsh chemical hair dyes, frequent eye makeup, etc.
  • Adding artificial tears from time to time to maintain the tear layer.

If you're still experiencing dry eye despite these lifestyle changes, it's a good idea to see an eye doctor for a professional examination and consultation. Stiffness and a foreign body sensation are common symptoms, but if you're experiencing itching, burning, or a foreign body inside your eyes that's causing you significant discomfort, you may need to seek more definitive treatment.

Procedures that can improve dry eye symptoms

Vision correction surgery

Often, vision correction is about being able to go about your daily life without glasses or lenses, but as mentioned earlier, contact lenses are a major contributor to dry eye. Therefore, eliminating contact lens use through vision correction can provide some relief from dry eye.

IPL Treatment

In the case of evaporative hyperemesis gravidarum, this treatment is used to treat inflammation and address dysfunction of the meibomian glands, which secrete the oils needed to maintain tears, using intense visible light. Three treatments spaced three to four weeks apart are standard.

Lipiflow Treatment

It is a method of treatment with heat and pressure by inserting a treatment device inside the eyelid, which is effective in activating the function of the meibomian glands with a temperature of 38~40 degrees and opening the entrance to the oil layer. The effect starts after 3 weeks and lasts up to 6-12 months.

Dry eye syndrome is often dismissed as a common condition and can be managed to some extent through lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements.

However, in severe cases, it can cause uncomfortable and painful symptoms that can interfere with your daily life. While our bodies are self-healing and can often heal wounds and inflammation over time, this is often not the case with our eyes.  Consulting an eye care professional is essential, especially if your symptoms are serious.

Maintaining healthy eyes requires routine care and periodic eye health checks. With systematic check-ups from an eye care professional, accurate identification of the cause, and appropriate treatment, you can protect the health of your eyes.